Many information technology companies (IT) struggle with creating exciting and engaging presentations. They have content and ideas, but don’t have the internal expertise or time to create a polished visual product. Many sales and marketing departments continue to rely on tried and tested tools such as PowerPoint. Unfortunately, in the corporate world, such presentations carry a negative stigma of overuse. “Death by PowerPoint” has become a go-to comment.
Why not start on a new canvas? It’s time to take corporate presentations to the next level:
- Reinvigorate your presentations and make them exciting to watch.
- Catapult your marketing and sales visuals to include animation, motion graphics, and special effects.
- Communicate your ideas with captivating videos
- Differentiate from your competitors, with Hollywood quality video that still fits within your corporate budget.
Promotional Video Production
In this is corporate promo video* we bring Hollywood quality to corporate marketing. The purpose for this video is to accelerate their sales efforts with a punchy and exciting promo. In marketing it is often said that, content is the cake. That would make the presentation its icing. It’s the delivery of the presentation that grabs the audience’s attention. With solid content the audience can be wowed with a backdrop of exciting imagery.
Sometimes the icing is the best part.
A Heads Up Display (aka. HUD) theme was used as the overall theme for this cyber security company’s messaging. It’s a suitable canvas that conveys the highest standard of excellence of their cyber security portfolio. All of the messaging, story-boarding, and elements were agreed with the owner and founder of the company.
*The actual name our client has been changed, to protect their confidentiality.
Contact us Today
- Do your clients struggle to understand the technical complexities of your products or services?
- Does your marketing department need help to present your ideas using modern animation and graphics?
- Do your sales teams need visuals that communicate your services more effectively?
We understand technology. We’ll create stunning visuals so that business decision makers will sign on your bottom line. Contact us today and we will help you translate your portfolio into breathtaking visuals: g@eurostartups.tech.
Additional Projects
Here are quick links to some of our other videos and motion graphics projects: